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Sims Genius
The S Files

When The Sims was first released, Sean O'kelly didn't get it. He finally decided to get it and agreed to give us his story of what happened to his family on the Sims. So, for your viewing pleasure, here is his story:
His family on the sims is his own. It started out as the following. He has an old Cat, a Kitten, a goldfish, a little Brother, Himself, his Mum, his Dad.
1. He made the Sean character study so hard that when he had to go to school he just fell asleep on the floor. This happened a few times and then he went to milatary school.
2. His youngest cat ate the goldfish.
3. His oldest cat died of starvation.
4. A new cat was bought.
5. His dad set the cooker on fire.
6. His mam set the garage on fire by setting a firework off in there (don't ask).
7. His mam got abducted by aliens.
8. He got asked if he would like to adopt a child and said yes, replacing Sean.